Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chapter 16 - One Baby, Two Babies

Leslie sighed and looked at the two babies sleeping contently in their cribs, for now that is. Having both of them asleep at once was going to be a miracle if the last two days were any indication. Two days, she had already been a mom for two days, she had also been in the hospital for two days … and that was probably ringing up quite a hefty bill... but she would have to worry about that later, she was too tired to think about it now. She just got comfortable and started dosing off when in walked the Dr and the Robinson’s. 

“How are you doing this Morning?” Dr. Mandez asked, as he came over and started to take her pulse.

“Tired…” Leslie sighed “if one baby isn’t crying the other one is, and then there’s Drs and nurses poking and prodding me at all hours, that of course is when I’m not worrying about how I’m going to pay for all of this. But other than that I’m fine!” she answered sarcastically. Goodness being tired made her cranky. How was she going to be able to care for two babies all by herself, and work?  How would they survive if she couldn’t work? What citizenship would her children have? Oh goodness, would the questions never cease. 

“Aw… aren’t they cute.” Mrs. Richardson cooed, and then turning to the Dr. “So you say she is completely healthy?” 

 “Yes, they’re all doing fine.” Dr. Mandez “should be able to go home sometime next week, if all goes well.” 

“That ‘s wonderful!” Mrs. Richardson exclaimed “So Leslie how are you feeling?” 

Leslie rolled her eyes, did that woman not just hear her tell the Dr how she was feeling? 

“I’ll leave you guys to talk”  the Dr. said as he walked out the door.

“Talk?”  Leslie sniffled a groan, she really needed to rest before the babies woke up again, would these people never leave. 

“Is there anything we can help you with, dear?” Mrs. Richardson asked again. 

They obviously weren’t going away to let her rest, so she might as well see if they could help her out, she needed to get some of her things from the hotel. “Actually I need someone to take a message to Hector, tell him I obviously won’t be back to work for a while and I need some of my personal belongings from my room. Would you guys mind getting them for me ? I’ll just write a quick list of the things I need.” 

“Sure we’d be glad too!” Mr. Richardson said “Just take your time and write it down!”

“So what are your plans once you get out of the hospital?” Mrs. Richardson asked, while Leslie pushed herself into a sitting position and started writing her list and note to Hector “I mean how are you going to take care two babies and work? Hector was already running you ragged as it was!”

“I’m not sure.” Leslie said with a sigh, “It’s going to be really difficult that’s for sure!” 

“I know we’ve talked about this before, but would you be open to an adoption.”

“No, I can’t give up my kids. They are the only thing I have left of Jamie!” 

“But you can’t take care of two children on your own. What if you gave up one of them for adoption? That would make it easier on you and give the baby a good life!”  

“I can’t split them up.” 

  “Well, you’re tired. At least think about it. A mom and dad could give them a much better life than you can here without a job and prospects.”

“I’ll think about it” Leslie said as she handed Mrs.  Richardson her notes, “I need to get some rest before the babies wake up again. Thanks so much for your help”    

The Richardson’s left and Leslie finally fell into a fitful sleep only to be awakened a few minutes later when one of the twins awakened. She took the baby girl out of her crib and shushing and rocking her, putting her to her breast to feed her. Exhausted and emotional Leslie hummed and cried, “How can they expect me to give you up, you precious little darling? But how can I take care of both of you?” she asked as her son began to cry.  And more and more the tears flowed down her face she kissed the baby’s head and laid her back down and picked up her son, again she cuddled and fed the baby, crying and deliberating over what to do. All the stress of the last nine months seemed to come out in those tears. The tears she hadn’t cried over her situation and Jamie’s death all came out and her emotions overwhelmed her. Finally she got the babies back to sleep. She pushed the nurse call button and when the nurse came to the room she asked that the babies be taken to the nursery so that she could sleep, then she would think and pray.

   After a couple of hours sleep, Leslie woke up feeling rested and after eating some food and she called the nurse and had the babies brought to her, she asked the nurse what paperwork she needed to fill out to get the babies’ birth certificates and passports. Within few minutes the nurse had returned with the necessary forms and Leslie began filling them out.  Looking at her two babies, now sleeping soundly, she deliberated over what to put on the forms, finally she decided. On the first form she wrote Child’s Name - Annaliese Marie Jamison, and on the second form she wrote  Child’s Name  - James Lewis Jamison . She filled out the pertinent information on herself and Jamie. Now no matter what happened at least her babies would have their names and American citizenship from their mother and Jamie would be listed as their father. 

That afternoon the Richardson’s returned without her things, Hector was holding her things hostage they said. They again tried to convince her that giving the babies up for adoption would be the best choice.  Leslie resisted, she wanted to keep her babies and she wanted to keep them together.  Again exhaustion takes over and the babies start to fuss. The Richardson’s finally left and Leslie fed and changed the babies and put them back in their cribs. And once again she fell asleep. She had only been asleep a few minutes when Mrs. Richardson returned to the room and asked Leslie to sign a paper, saying that she gave them permission to bring her things to her. Groggily Leslie signed and then as baby Annaliese started fussing again, Leslie got her out of her crib again and drowsily put her to her breast, while the baby started to eat Leslie’s eyelids began to droop. 

When she awoke she knew something was wrong her baby was not in her arms, frantic she punched the nurse call button over and over frantically searching for the baby, she saw her belongings sitting on the table along with two notes. One was from Hector saying that if she took her belongings he could not guaranty her room or job when and if she should return. The other was from Mrs. Richardson apologizing that they couldn’t do more but that they had to return to the States that afternoon and wishing her luck with the babies. Finally the nurse arrived and Leslie tried with her limited Spanish to explain that her baby was missing, the nurse kept pointing to Jamie in the little crib saying “This is baby!” finally the Dr came back into the room and told Leslie to calm own and sit down on the bed before she hurt herself. He explained the best he could that baby Annaliese was no longer with them, “you know what happened,” he said over and over “you signed the paper”. With that Leslie burst into tears again, coming to the only logical conclusion in her mind, her nightmare had come true she had fallen asleep while feeding Annaliese and rolled over on her, she did remember signing something but what it was she didn’t know. She asked if she could see her baby one more time to say good-bye and all she was told is “No, she is gone”.  Baby James awakened by the commotion, started to scream, the nurse handed him to Leslie who only cried harder as she tried to nurse him and console him.  God was definitely mad at her, she thought as she rocked the baby boy in her arms begging “Please, God don’t let them take him too!”