Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chapter 9 - Temptation

Leslie decided to read her Bible and when she was done with that she took a look around and for the first time noticed how sparsely furnished the apartment was. It wasn't bad for a guy's place, she guessed, at least it was clean ... in all honesty it was cleaner then the Hollands house, and not near as cluttered. The front door opened into the living room and there was a small table by the door on that was a small plate where Jamie put his keys and change from his pockets. She scanned the room from left to right, there was a window on the left wall, in the corner a big screen TV was sitting on a small, three shelf entertainment center, facing that was a comfortable futon/couch, as she turned to her left she was facing the dinning room, and again there was just the bare necessities, a simple, small table and four chairs. She knew what the kitchen looked like from the night before. Then she looked across the dinning room and noticed a closet with accordion doors, so she opened them, it was a little laundry room and seeing a basket full of clothes she decided to start a load of laundry. She went back to the kitchen and grabbed a dry dishcloth, the living room looked a little dusty. When she finished there she remembered that the bathroom looked like it needed to be cleaned so she went and cleaned that. She stood back and surveyed the room when she was done very pleased with herself ... everything sparkled “I hope Jamie will be pleased...” she thought wondering what to do next, then it dawned on her, she hadn't called her parents yet, so she reached for her cellphone and dialed their number.

Twenty minutes later she was still on the phone when Jamie stepped groggily from the bedroom, his hair was sticking up every which way and he was dressed only in a pair of boxer shorts. Leslie stop short of audibly gasping, averted her eyes and continued talking on the phone to her parents. She knew the Hollands would ask how everyone at home was so she made sure she got enough information to have something to tell them. Jamie had seen the effect his apparel, or rather lack thereof, had on Leslie and grinned to himself, as he got a glass of  juice before walking back down the hall to the bathroom. When he walked in and turned on the light he noticed something was different then, it hit him, everything was sparkling and it smelt of cleaner. He grinned as he stepped into the shower and turned on the cold water he shuddered as the water hit him invigorating his senses.

Leslie was no longer on the phone, when he returned to the living room, she was sitting on the couch watching TV and folding the laundry, Jamie walked over and sat down beside her, wrapped his arms around her, pulled her to him and buried his face in her hair. She leaned back against him and snuggled as close as she could to his chest.

“Ah... so that's what that smell was that was distracting me whenever I laid my head on my pillow” Jamie said as he inhaled the scent of shampoo on her hair. Leslie squirmed around in his arms till she was facing him. She put her hands on his chest and pushed him back until he was laying with his head on the arm of the couch, then with one hand holding him down she used her other hand to reach up and pulled the scrunchi out of her hair, it fell down over her shoulders like a golden cloud, the smell was intoxicating. Jamie sighed, reached up a pulled her down on top of him pressing his lips to hers passionately. When he released his grip a little Leslie gasped, a fire was burning through her body that she had never felt before, there was strange urgency to become one with this man. She began to realize the power she had over him, and it felt good. Suddenly Jamie sat up nearly spilling her to the floor.

 “I'm sorry ...” Leslie stammered her heart was beating so fast she could barely breathe. She was scared, of both the passion she felt and what Jamie would think of her. Jamie took a deep breath, his hands were shaking, he wanted to calm her fears, fears he could see were etched all over her face, but he was afraid he might give in to temptation if he touched her. Leslie was shaking now, shame and embarrassment evident on her face, he couldn’t look at her any more lest he give in. 

Swiftly he turned on his heel and hurried to the door “I’ll be back in a bit” he said as he marched out the door.  Once out the door Jamie’s feet took over and he followed his normal running path, he ran until he ran out of air. He stood there huffing and puffing as sweat poured down his face. He hadn’t wanted to leave, but he didn’t know of any other way to protect Leslie from himself. He wished that the Holland’s were coming back tonight … he hadn’t thought of how hard it would be to spend the night with Leslie in the same house. But since he would be picking her up in the morning for work anyway it really didn’t make sense to take her home either. He turned and headed back to the apartment wondering what he would find when he got there.

When Jamie left, Leslie stared at the door for a few minutes, and then laid her head on her arms and cried. When her eyes were dry, she went down the hall to Jamie’s room and got out her Bible. She opened it to Psalms and read “Create in me a clean heart …” Again; she knelt beside the couch this, time to pray. After spending a few minutes in prayer talking to her Heavenly Father she felt better about the situation, she knew why Jamie had left and knew he would be back soon.  She knew that they would have to be on their guard so that they wouldn’t walk into temptation again. She was humming softly and puttering around the kitchen trying to see what she could make for supper, when Jamie came through the door drenched with sweat. She turned to him and smiled “I’m sorry…” she started to say but Jamie crossed the room and stopped her by placing a finger on her lips “No, Baby I’m sorry” he said almost hanging his head “I’m the man in this relationship and I’m older, so I knew better. It’s my fault. I’m sorry I left so abruptly it was the only thing I could think of at the moment.” 

“It’s ok.”Leslie said, brushing his hair back off his face “I understand, and no it wasn’t all your fault. I knew what I was doing” 

Jamie pushed away from her “I need to shower.” he said bluntly.

“Ok, but after you do that could we go to the PX, I’m starving and there is nothing to eat here.” Leslie shrugged apologetically.

“Ok, give me 15 minutes.” Jamie said as he headed to the bathroom “By the way,” he said over his shoulder “You did a great job cleaning this place up. I appreciate it.” He closed the door and jumped into the shower and for the second time today turned the water as cold as he could stand it. 

After his shower, Jamie and Leslie went to the PX and bought some groceries. When they got home Leslie made some hamburgers for supper and they spent the rest of the evening cuddled up on the sofa watching a movie , and nothing more was said about the close call they had that afternoon.  When Leslie almost fell asleep during the second movie, Jamie told her to go sleep in his bedroom and lock the door behind her.

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