Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Chapter 10 - Desires Requited

        Leslie woke to her alarm on her cell phone ringing insistently at 5 o’clock the next morning it took her a moment to realize where she was and what she was doing there. She hurried through her morning routine and made breakfast while Jamie showered. Then Jamie drove her to work dropped her off with a kiss and a promise to see her that afternoon. They both went about their normal routines for the day until 1 o’clock when Jamie picked Leslie up from work, Leslie walked out to the truck and there on the seat were two little teddy bears and a card. Leslie squealed with delight and grabbed the card, quickly tearing the envelope open to read the note inside.
        “Awwww…” she said wrapping her arms around Jamie’s neck “Thanks. That’s so sweet!” 
       “Your welcome sweetheart” Jamie said “I meant every word. You are the most amazing girl I’ve ever known and when I’m with you I’m the happiest man in the world.” He kissed her firmly on the mouth, taking her breath away. “Now let’s get you home before you get in trouble.” He put the key in the ignition and put the truck in gear and backed out of the drive.

Once on the Autobahn Leslie scooted over next to him and he put his arm around her shoulders. Leslie sighed everything felt perfect and in spite of the close call they had the day before she knew she would be spending more time with Jamie. “The Hollands are just being stupid” she thought to herself “they aren’t my parents and they just don’t trust me. I’m a big girl I can handle myself”  Jamie parked the truck about a block away from the Holland’s house, Leslie slipped the bears and card into her bag and after a few quick kisses tore herself away and walked to the house. She knew she would have to confront Sandy about the fact that she had taken off without any thought to her safety. “Make it sound like you are good and mad and that you did her a favor by not telling your parents she left you” she told herself firmly as she walked in the front door. Expecting to be greeted by bedlam and confusion, she was shocked to find the house still quiet. Everything was just as she left it except the little red light on the answering machine was blinking. Leslie walked over and punched the button

“Leslie, its Sandy just wanted to let you know we are going to be gone through Thursday, probably be home late Thursday night. You’ll need to contact Michael or Jamie for a ride to work, since we obviously won’t be there. See you Thursday.” Leslie rolled her eyes as the machine beeped indicating that there were no more messages. “The thoughtlessness of the woman!!!” she thought as she headed up stairs to her room she knew that Jamie didn’t get off work until six the next morning so she would have to wait till then, at least, for him to come get her. She reached for her suitcase and started packing everything she would need for the week in it. As she packed she punched Jamie’s number on her cell phone, when he answered she explained the situation to him. He answered the way she thought he would, to go ahead and stay the night there and he would pick her up when he got off his shift. She could stay with him until the Hollands came home. He did tell her to make sure she called and told Sandy that this was not acceptable conduct and what her arrangements were for the week. Of course he didn’t need to tell her to leave off the part that Jamie was a boy not a girl. After she hung up with Jamie she called Sandy and told her what was going on, explaining that it was an inconvenience for Jamie to have to drive out there every day so she would be staying at Jamie’s apartment, which would work out great since Chad was already gone.

The rest of the afternoon was spent reading since no one had been there to make a mess the house was still spotless from the cleaning she had given it on Friday. She baked some cookies for Jamie, made a card for him and wrote a long letter to him about all that he meant to her. Still left with time on her hands she took a leisurely soak in the tub and then watched a movie, before going to bed.

The doorbell ringing insistently woke her up. Groggily she looked at the clock “who could be coming by at six in the morning” she thought as she tried to shake the cobwebs from her brain. Not being able to find her robe, she stumbled down the stairs in her short little night dress, rubbing the sleep from her eyes she opened the door to find Jamie standing there.  She smiled as he grinned and asked “Did I wake you?”

“Uhhuh,” Leslie nodded as she tried to sniffle a yawn, “Sorry, I went to bed kinda late last night. I guess I forgot to set my alarm. Are you in a big hurry?” Seeing Jamie shake his head she went on “I can make a quick breakfast for you if you want.”

“Sure,” Jamie replied, holding back a groan at the sight of her in that short, little nighty. It wasn’t really skimpy. Just a baby doll made out of t-shirt material that hit her just above the knees. The ruffles, a little lace and a v-cut neckline gave it a very feminine touch. He knew he should tell her to go upstairs and change, but part of him didn’t want to, he definitely liked what he was seeing. He watched as she rummaged around for the fixings for some omelets not hearing a word she said, until she was standing right in front of him her hand on her hip giving him a very stern look. “huh?” he said shaking his head, “ sorry, my mind was someplace else.”

She grinned up at him “Just asking if you wanted me to make some coffee, I’ll take that as a yes” she said and turned to go start a pot, but before she could get very far Jamie reached out his arm and grabbed her pulling her into his arms and kissed her gently but firmly. Leslie sighed as she leaned up against him, molding her curves to his form.

          “Mmmmm,” Jamie murmured against her hair, “you taste better than any breakfast I’ve ever had.

“Really?” Leslie questioned raising her eyebrows at him “Now I know you need that coffee, you are starting to sound delusional!”

Jamie reluctantly released her and she poured him a cup of coffee and then returned to the stove to finish the omelets, chattering the whole time.  Jamie watched her thinking about how nice it would be if they could do this everyday for the rest of their lives. As soon as Jamie's omelet was done, Leslie placed it on a plate in front of him and started on her own. When she glanced at him and caught him watching her instead of eating, she walked over and asked him if there was anything she could do for him. Jamie groaned inwardly, wishing he could tell her what he really wanted, but finally took a deep breath and said, “Yes Honey there is.” he swallowed hard “could you please go upstairs and put some clothes on? You are making it really hard for me to stay a gentleman! I’ll watch the eggs, just go. PLEASE!”

Leslie blinked as if not comprehending what he was saying, then it dawned on her, “I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed hurriedly “I didn’t mean...”

“Don’t explain just go!” Jamie said through gritted teeth. Leslie went, very embarrassed that she once again had been a source of stumbling for Jamie. Good girls didn’t parade around in their nighties and tease boys to the point they couldn’t be gentlemen. She changed her clothes, making sure she was completely modest, she grabbed her suitcase, hoping Jamie wouldn’t change his mind about letting her stay with him. Personally she was starting to have doubts that it was a good idea, but what could she do? She couldn’t stay here that would be unfair to Jamie to ask him to drive all that way every day. If only the Hollands hadn’t left! It was all their fault really, if they hadn’t left she wouldn’t have been put in this situation in the first place!  They were so selfish and inconsiderate! She would just have to make the best of it.

When she got back downstairs, she and Jamie finished their breakfast and cleaned up together. As they were washing the dishes Leslie turned to Jamie, swallowed hard and said “Jamie, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a temptation to you...”

“Leslie...” Jamie interrupted “It’s not your fault! I don’t want you beating yourself up over this. You are a beautiful young lady and even if you put on a burka you would be still make it hard for me to be a gentleman. God made you beautiful and I don’t want you to feel ashamed of that gift! I just have to learn patience to enjoy that gift in the right way at the right time.” Jamie tipped Leslie’s chin up toward his face wiped the tears off her face with his thumb and kissed her gently on the lips. “I’m serious, I don’t want to hear anymore about it, ok?”  

“Ok.” Leslie said with a tremulous smile, “You are so good to me, I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you!”

Jamie smiled, “Me either, babe, me either.”

When they arrived back at the apartment Jamie gave Leslie her own house key “If you’re going to be staying here you’ll need to be able to get in when I’m still at work. Will you be able to walk home after work?” he asked

“Yeah that shouldn’t be a problem,” Leslie said “It’s not that far, I can make it.”

“Ok, babe,” Jamie said wearily “that caffeine is starting to wear off, I’ve got to go get some sleep.”  

While Jamie slept Leslie read a book, watched TV and started dinner, she figured they would probably eat early since both of them would be working at suppertime. When Jamie woke up and went for his run Leslie went in and stripped his sheets and put them in the wash, and after dinner they washed the dishes and made the bed. As they headed to work somehow they never talked about the sleeping arrangements and when Leslie returned home that night she realized she didn’t know where the extra blankets were. She looked in Chad’s room only to find that it was completely bare, apparently the military had moved all of his stuff and put it in a storage unit in the States per his request. Leslie sighed, she was tired and overwrought from all the emotions of the day, without giving it any further thought she went to Jamie’s room, undress and went straight to bed, her last thought of the night was to make sure she woke up before Jamie got home so as not to tempt him.

Unfortunately, Leslie didn’t hear the alarm that morning and Jamie exhausted from a long night's work came home on autopilot, undressed and collapsed into bed. Leslie woke up with Jamie’s arm around her. She had no idea how long he had been there, but it jerked her wide awake in an instant. She didn’t want to scare him so she slid out of bed quietly and went to the kitchen. The clock on the microwave read 8:30 am, she wondered what time Jamie normally woke up and when he would be ready for breakfast. Well she could exercise, and do her personal devotions until then, but she couldn’t take a shower, all her stuff was in Jamie’s room, to be honest she was really bored, she would have to ask Jamie what things she could do in the mornings while he was sleeping.

When Jamie got up and left for his run Leslie went in the bedroom made up the bed and grabbed her suitcase and moved it into Chad’s room where she hung her clothes in the empty closet. Then she took her shower supplies and put them in the bathroom, took a quick shower and was back in the kitchen making ‘breakfast’ when Jamie came home from his run. Jamie grinned happily as he came in the door, the house smelled delicious, he walked over to Leslie and started to hug her, but she pushed him away.

 "No, sir!" she said "I've already had my shower this morning. You're not getting me all sweaty!" Jamie pouted a bit but headed to the bathroom as directed. After Jamie showered and the two of them ate breakfast, Jamie sat down at the computer to check his emails, Leslie cleaned up the kitchen and then came and looked over Jamie's shoulders wrapping her arms around him as she did so. "what 'cha doing?" she asked placing quick kiss on his cheek.

"Writing a note to my mom," Jamie said as he turned and stole a kiss from Leslie "why? You need something?" 

"No, not really," Leslie replied "I'm just bored, I've been up since 8:30 you know, and there's not much to do here."

Jamie shrugged "Sorry babe, but I have to sleep sometime. Here let me show you how to work the computer and then you can play on that when you get up in the morning so you're not so bored." The next couple of hours were spent with Jamie showing Leslie how to log on to the computer and how to access the various programs even setting up an e-mail account for her. Then it was time for Leslie to go to work, Jamie dropped her off with a quick kiss and a promise to see her at supper. 

Leslie and Jamie quickly fell into a comfortable routine, with Leslie getting up around 8 and exercising, showering and doing her devotions. She would fix herself a light breakfast, do some quick house cleaning, and then play on the computer or watch TV until Jamie woke up and headed out on his run at which time she would make his breakfast and her lunch. When Jamie got back they would eat and spend the rest of the morning doing something fun together, like sitting on the couch making out. 

All went well until Thursday morning, when Leslie tried to slip from the bed Jamie's arms tightened around her. Drawing her up against his chest, Leslie squirmed against him as he began to tickle her and kiss her. The tickling turned to necking and then full-fledged making out. Leslie sighed as Jamie's touch became less playful and more passionate, somewhere in the back of her mind and alarm bell went off, but she ignored it, the desire coursing through her body was too strong, she knew this time they were going 'all the way'.

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